District -Solapur

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District -Solapur

1.Lattitude          17? 06, 18 02
2.Longitude        74? 37, 76 26
3.Troposheet      47N, 47 J, 47D, 47K And 56K

2.Area & Population

1.Area                                     14844 Sq KM
2.Total Tahasil                     11
3.Total Cities                        10
4.Total Villages                    1158
5.Population (2001)
1) Total Population             855000
2) Urban Population          1226000
3) Ruler Population            2629000
4) Density of Population   259/Sq KM
5) Percentage of Literacy  61.43 %

1.Lattitude 17? 06, 18 02
2.Longitude 74? 37, 76 26
3.Troposheet 47N, 47 J, 47D, 47K And 56K

2.Area & Population

1.Area 14844 Sq KM
2.Total Tahasil 11
3.Total Cities 10
4.Total Villages 1158
5.Population (2001)
1) Total Population 3855000
2) Urban Population 1226000
3) Ruler Population 2629000
4) Density of Population 259/Sq KM
5) Percentage of Literacy 61.43 %

1.Rainfall 524 mm to 707 mm
Maximum 30
Minimum 13
Maximum 40
Minimum 25


A) Summer 24%, 45%
B) Rainy 64%, 83%
C) Winter 32%, 55%

4.Land Classification

1. Forest Area 34200 Hector
2. Non Cultivation Area 78897 Hector
3. Cultivation Area 1131522 Hector
4. Rabbi and Kharip 75697 Hector
5. Total Cultivation Area 232009 Hector
6. Irrigated Area depend on GW 178809 Hector

5.Irrigation Projects

1. Major 2
2. Medium 6
3. Minor 660


Quaternary to Recent Alluvium
Upper Cretaceous to Lower Miocene Deccan Trap

7.Presence of Ground Water

Deccan Plateau: – The Solapur district is mainly covered by Deccan Basalt which is hard in nature. But when the basalt get weathered, fractured the possibility of presence of groundwater is more. Groundwater is mainly occurs in fractured and jointed zone. At deep level it occurred in the deep aquifer formation which is confined in nature. Pre-monsoon and post-monsoon ground water level generally found 6 to 10 meters and 1.5 to 3 meters respectively.

8.Chemical Properties of Water

The groundwater present in Solapur district is having slightly acidic pH.
It is generally used for domestic and agriculture purpose.
The quantity of dissolved solids is more in some part of the district.
Mainly along the villages situated on the bank of river the Sina, the Man, the Korda and the Bhima

9.Source of Ground Water and Development

Total Source of Ground Water and Development 19900240
Total utilization of Ground Water 133277.56
Total availability of Ground Water 60519.79
Total Watersheds 64
Number of Safe/Semi Critical/Over-Exploited Watersheds 51 / 6 / 7

10.Ground Water Development

Fracture seal cementation 8
Jacket Well 26
Bore Blast 1
Stream Blasting 2
Hydrofracturing 856/559 Successful

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