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  • Ahmednagar-District

Ahmednagar District is the largest district in the State of Maharashtra. Ahmednagar is a most advanced district having maximum number of large scale and small-scale industries.


Silent Features Of Ahmednagar District

1. District Head Quarter Ahmadnagar 2. Area 17034 sq. kms.
3. Co ordinates 180 02? to 190 09? East Latitude and 730 09? to 750 05? North longitude. 4. Sub-divisions
4 (Shrirampur, Sangamner, Karjat, Nagar)
5. Talukas
14 (Nagar, Parner, Pathardi, Shewgaon, Karjat, Shreegonda, Jamkhed, Shrirampur, Nevasa, Akole, Sangamner, Kopergaon, Rahuri, Rahata)
 6. Distance from Mumbai 285 kms.
7. Means of Transport
Railway Stations – Ahmed Nagar, Kashti Shreegonde, Belwandi, Visapur, Ranjangaon, Sarola, Akolner, Nimbalak, Vilad, Vambori, Dehre, Rahuri, Pegaon, Belapur, Chitali, Puntamba, Kanhegaon, Kopergaon.
ST Buses
 8. Population- 8212811
9. Literacy- 75.82% 10. Area under Irrigation 3,61,000 hect.
11. Irrigation Projects
Imp. Projs.-3
1. Bhandardara
2. Ghod
3. Mula
 12. Industries 
13. Languages/Dialects Marathi 14. Folk-Arts 
Traditional Lavani,
songs sung by women while performing daily chores,
Tamasha, Gondhali, Vasudev, Bohada dance
15. Weather
Max.- 33.0 Deg. C.
Min.- 18.5 Deg. C.
Rainfall -583.50 mm (Average)
 16. Main Crops
Sugarcane, bajra, jowar
17.Area under Horticulture 2,02,488 hect  

History of Ahmednagar
The Ahmednagar fort at Ahmednagar is a place of historical importance. It is at this fort where many of our freedom fighters were detained during the Indian Freedom Movement. It was here that Late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was detained during Indian freedom movement and it was at this fort he wrote his famous book “Discovery Of India”.The history of Ahmednagar begins from 240B.C. Andhrabrityas who ruled Ahmednagar B.C. 90 to A.D. 300. Till about 400 AD, The Rashtrakuta kings then ruled Ahmednagar from 670 to 973 A.D. Chalukya & Western Chalukya kings ruled the country from 973 to 1190 A.D. The caves and temple of the city were carved and built during this period. After the Western Chalukyas, Ahmednagar passed on, in to the hands of the Yadavs from Deogiri, who ruled from 1170 to 1310.The name of the District Ahmednagar has come from the name of the founder, Ahmed Shah Nizam Shah. In 1486, Malik Ahmed became the Prime Minister of the Bahamani Kingdom. In 1494, he laid the foundation of a city close to the victory gardens and called it after himself, Ahmednagar, and also known as Nizam Shahi dynasty. The dynasty lasted till it was conquested by Shah Jahan in 1636. Aurangzeb, who was the last great Mughal emperor is said to have spent the last years of his reign here. In 1759, the Peshwas of the Marathas took possession of the city by bribing the Muslim commander. Ahmednagar was later taken over by the British under General Wellesley. Later the place was again restored to the Marathas but in 1817, the place fell under the clutches of the British.

Geography of Ahmednagar
Ahmednagar a city in the state of Maharashtra, is located on the left banks of Sina River. Ahmedanagar can be divided into three physical divisions as Western Hilly Region, Central Plateau Region and the region of northern and southern plains. Two chief rivers are, the Godavari and the Bhima drain Ahmednagar. The important rivers flowing through the district are Paravara, Mula, Sina and Dhora.
The climate of the district is hot and dry. Major part of the city experiences hot summer and dryness all through out the year except during south-west monsoon season. The period from March to the first week of June is the hot season. It is followed by the south- west monsoon season which lasts till the end of September. October and November constitute the post-monsoon or the retreating southwest. The western hilly part of Ahmednagar district has forests. May is the hottest month of the year with the mean daily maximum temperature at 38.9? C (102.0? F) and the mean daily minimum at 22.4? C (72.3? F). On individual days during the hot weather period temperature occasionally goes up to 43? or 44? C (109.4? or 111.2? F). With the onset of southwest monsoon in the district there is an appreciable drop in temperature and weather becomes pleasant. The cold weather starts by about the middle of November and continues till the end of February. December is the coldest month of the year with the mean daily maximum temperature at 28.5? C (83.3? F) and the mean daily minimum at11.7? C (53.1? F)

The whole district forms part of the great trap region of the Deccan and the trap rock is distinctly stratified. Throughout Ahmednagar the trap rock is distinctly stratified and, as in the rest of the Deccan, the alternative belts of basalt and amygdaloids preserve a striking parallelism to each other. The basaltic rock formation is intruded by dykes. The lava-flows are almost horizontal in disposition but local gentle tilting, undulations and minor flexures are rarely seen. Compound lava (Pahoehoe flows are seen in the northern part of the district and in the southern part it is simple (aa– lava type) in nature.
. Pahoehoe Lava — Surfaces are smooth, billowy, or ropy.
aa lava — Surfaces are fragmented, rough, and spiny, with a “cindery” appearance
Stratigraphic sequence: The stratigraphic sequence of the rocks in the district is given below: –
Black cotton soil, river alluvium sands, gravels, silts and calcareous kankar. Recent
Intrusive basic dykes, basalt lava flows belonging to the Deccan trap volcanic episode, associated with inter-trappean beds, red bole beds, porous ash and scoriaceous matter, etc. Cretaceous-
Pot holes in the Rocky River beds are of frequent occurrence. Those above the falls of the Pravara, at village of Rauda in the Akole Subdivision, and at Kund-Mahuli in the Kukadi river a short distance from the village Nighoj in the Parner subdivision, are specially note worthy on account of their number and size.
Ahmednagar district is Maharashtra?s most advanced district in many ways. It has the maximum number of sugar factories; perhaps to spread the message of ?Rural Prosperity through Cooperation? it gave the country half a century ago. The first cooperative sugar factory in Asia was established at Pravanagar.
A role model of water conservation work can be seen at Ralegaon-Siddhi and Hiwarebajar, which is also called the Ideal Village. The village Hiwarebajar perhaps to spread the message of rural development by water conservation by ” winning Kendriya Bhoomijal Samvardhana Puraskar” Newase, where Dnyaneshwari was written, Shri Saibaba?s Shirdi, one of Ashtavinayaks at Siddhatek, the famous Kanifnath temple, attract devotees. The Palace of Chandbibi, the Bhandardara dam, the Maldhok (Indian Bustard) sanctuary and the Rehkuri sanctuary are some of the places of tourist attraction.
The village Hiwarebajar perhaps to spread the message of rural development by water conservation by winning “Kendriya Bhoomijal Samvardhana Puraskar” ,Newase, where Dnyaneshwari was written, Shirdi, the famous temple of Shri Saibaba? Siddhatek, one of Ashtavinayak Mandir , Kanifnath temple, the Palace of Chandbibi, the Bhandardara dam, the Maldhok (Indian Bustard) sanctuary and the Rehkuri sanctuary are some of the places of tourist attraction.

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