Atal Bhujal Project

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Atal Bhujal Yojana

Groundwater Survey and Development System,

Department of Water Supply and Sanitation,

State of Maharashtra

A brief note


Groundwater is a shared resource, and its management becomes more effective and sustainable when approached collectively, as demonstrated by studies conducted at various levels. To address the challenges of declining groundwater levels and deteriorating water quality due to uncontrolled extraction, Atal Bhujal Yojana was launched at the national level. This program aims to strengthen participatory groundwater management through the effective implementation of demand- and supply-side management systems.

Atal Bhujal Yojana is a centrally sponsored scheme, funded by World Bank and Government of India and is being implemented for over five-year period from 2020 to 2025 in seven states: Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Haryana, Gujarat, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.

In Maharashtra, the scheme’s implementation began under Government Decision No. Bhujal Bhujal-1820/P.No.34/Papu-15, dated November 26, 2020, with the Groundwater Surveys and Development Agency serving as the project implementation authority.

Objectives of the Scheme:
  • Achieving sustainability in groundwater resources by adopting principles of demand (water-saving measures) and supply (water conservation and groundwater recharge) management.
  • Ensuring convergence in investments being made through currently operational centrally and state-sponsored schemes such as MGNREGA, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana, Integrated Watershed Management Programme, etc.
  • Establishing robust institutional arrangements at the state, district, and village levels for the sustainable development of groundwater.
  • Limiting groundwater usage by maximizing the adoption of micro-irrigation methods.
  • Bringing improvements in irrigation management.
Project Scope –

       As per the directives of the Central Government and World Bank, critical, semi-critical over-exploited and safe catchment areas in the state have been prioritized for the project. Accordingly, 1442 villages in 1133 Gram Panchayats in 73 watershed areas of 13 districts are included.

Implementation Methodology and Financial Provision –

      For this scheme, the financial assistance from World Bank to the Central Government will be available under the financial instrument Program for Results (P for R). The assistance provided under this instrument is linked to Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) based on target achievements. The assistance will be disbursed after the verification of target achievement by an independent verification mechanism. To achieve the project objectives, there is result areas defined, which include five Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) under them.

    A total allocation of ₹925.77 crore has been approved for the state of Maharashtra. Under institutional capacity building, financial assistance of ₹188.26 crore is provisioned, while ₹737.51 crore will be provided as incentive funds (Incentives) from the central government.

Item wise approval

Total Amount (Crore)


Investment Funding – Funds to be received for institutional capacity building – (For the purchase and monitoring of groundwater level equipment through observation wells and piezometers, vehicle rental, hiring of expert agencies, office expenses, regional capacity-building expenses, IEC expenses, purchase of computer systems and equipment, etc..)



Incentives Funds received on completion of financial aid disbursement indicators




  1)   Investment Financial Assistance- Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building-

Under the scheme, ₹188.26 crore of financial assistance will be provided by the central government for institutional strengthening and capacity building. This primarily includes allocations for hiring expert institutions, office expenses, vehicle rentals, computer systems and equipment, purchasing and monitoring groundwater level equipment like Rain Gauges, Digital Water Level Recorders (DWLR), Water level Indicator, Water flow meter etc., regional capacity building, Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) activities, etc.

As of now, out of the total allocated amount of ₹76.26 crore received, ₹76.09 crore (99.78%) has been utilized.

Institutional Strengthening: –

  • Experts/Institutions for Project Management Unit-

  • For institutional strengthening, expert organizations and subject experts have been appointed at the level.
  • State Level :- State Project Management Unit (SPMU)
  • District Level :- District Project Management Unit (DPMU)
  • Gram Panchayat Level:- District Implementation Partnership Institute (DIP)

  • Installation of plants at Gram Panchayat level-
  1. Rain Gauges: Rain gauges have been installed in all 1133 Gram Panchayat included in the scheme. Training has been provided to villagers and groundwater volunteers at the Gram Panchayat level. These rain gauges are used to record rainfall data in the Gram Panchayat area.
  2. Water Level Indicators (Sounders): Each Gram Panchayat in the scheme has been provided with a Water Level Indicator (Sounder). Ten observation wells have been selected per Gram Panchayat, and trained water custodians and groundwater volunteers record the groundwater levels monthly.
  3. Piezometers: Piezometers have been constructed in 1333 Gram Panchayat included in the scheme to accurately monitor the deep groundwater levels.
  4. Digital Water Level Recorders (DWLR): A total of 1129 automated groundwater level measurement devices (DWLR) have been installed on piezometers across the 1133 Gram Panchayat in the scheme. These devices record groundwater levels of deep aquifers, which are updated on the NWIC website.
  5. Water Flow Meters: A total of 5665 water flow meters, at a ratio of five per GP, are being installed on farmers’ wells in the 1133 GP under the scheme. As of now, 4050 water flow meters have been installed. These meters provide data on water used for crops and the volume of groundwater extracted

  • Capacity Building Training-

During the project period, annual training programs are conducted under capacity building at the state, district, block, and GP levels in adherence to the annual action plan of the Atal Bhujal Yojana.

Training programs at the state, district, and block levels are organized through the Groundwater Surveys and Development Agency, while training at the GP level is conducted through the Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration (YASHADA), Pune.

Over the past two years, 16,556 training sessions have been conducted across 1133 GPs to achieve the objectives of groundwater management and recharge through community participation. These training sessions covered topics such as the Atal Bhujal Yojana, preparation and implementation of water security plans, establishment and management of farmer producer companies, implementation of water security plans through convergence of government schemes, modern water-saving technologies, crop planning, social audits, water budgeting, and water literacy. More than four lakh villagers have been trained through these programs.

Training status in year 2024-25




YEAR 2024-25






2 (50%)




14 (54%)




49 (57%)




3272 (48%)

  • Information Education and Communication Activities:-

Under this component, various promotional activities have been undertaken for the publicity of the scheme, including wall slogans, taglines, brochures, press releases, boards, advertisements, mobile exhibition vans, short films, jingles, and spots.

At the gram panchayat level, publicity has been carried out in the districts, block, GPs, and villages included in the scheme through various initiatives such as farmer gatherings, women’s programs, school competitions, festivals, workshops, and other activities.

Additionally, “Groundwater Information Dissemination Centres” have been established in the GP covered under the scheme. These centres serve as a one-stop source of groundwater related information.


  1)   Incentive Fund linked to Disbursement Link Indicators (DLIs)


The funds received under the Incentive Fund have been received from the Central Government as follows after fulfilling the following Fund Disbursement Index.


Index no


Expected amount in crores

Amount received in crores

Percentage of funds received %




































  • DLI#1 – Public disclosure of groundwater data/information and reports:

Under the Atal Bhujal Yojana, records of groundwater levels (1890), water quality reports (1756), and 43 taluka-level groundwater resource reports have been prepared by the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) and the Groundwater Surveys and Development Agency. These reports provide information for the general public.

At the gram panchayat level, groundwater-related information is disseminated through visible areas such as wall slogans, taglines, information boards, and wall paintings. Additionally, village meetings (Gram sabhas) are organized to discuss groundwater-related matters.

In each gram panchayat, 10 volunteers (water custodians/ water friends) are engaged in tasks such as measuring groundwater levels, recording rainfall, and preparing water balance sheets. A “Groundwater Information Dissemination Centre” has been established in each gram panchayat, making it easier for villagers to access groundwater-related information.

Achievement: 3594 (170.66%)

  • DLI#2 – Preparation of Community-led Water Security Plans:

Every year, water security plans are prepared through community participation, with the help of all office bearers of the gram panchayat, members of the water supply and sanitation committees, and villagers.

Under the Atal Bhujal Yojana, water conservation and groundwater recharge measures are included in the water security plans for all 1133 gram panchayats. This year, these plans have been finalized for each gram panchayat.

Target: 1133 Gram panchayats
Achievement: 1133 (100%)

  • DLI#3 – Public financing of approved Water Security Plans through convergence of ongoing/ new schemes:

The measures approved in the Water Security Plans are expected to be carried out through the convergence of various central and state government schemes. For this purpose, the Agriculture Department, Water Conservation Department, Minor Irrigation Department, Forest Department, Water Resources Department, Minor Irrigation Department (Zilla Parishad), MGNREGA, MLA and MP funds, and the 15th Finance Commission are involved in the implementation of these measures.

Target: ₹738.20 crore
Achievement: ₹909.40 crore (123.19%)

Water conservation measures carried out through line department
Artificial recharge through Groundwater Surveys and Development Agency


  • DLI#4 – Adoption of practices for efficient water use:

Approved water conservation measures under the Water Security Plan are being implemented. These measures include increasing the use of micro-irrigation, adopting systems that maintain soil moisture, and optimizing crop structure based on water availability to enhance efficient water use across larger areas.

The target for the project period (by March 2025) is to bring 75,000 hectares of land under micro-irrigation. As of September 2024, 132,204 hectares have been covered under micro-irrigation.

Target: 75,000 hectares
Achievement: 132,204 hectares (176%)

To promote water efficient practices subsidy given to farmer’s from incentive funding, with the Agriculture Department to provide supplementary funding to farmers.

  1. Under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana, farmers are provided with 25% and 30% supplementary funding for installing drip irrigation and sprinkler systems, respectively, through incentive funds.
  2. Under the Integrated Horticulture Development Program, farmers are provided with 25% supplementary funding for setting up protected agriculture systems (such as greenhouses or shade nets) through incentive funds.
Micro Irrigation measures through Agriculture Department
  • DLI#5 – Improvement in the rate of decline of groundwater levels:

DLI#5 focuses on studying the increase or decrease in groundwater levels before the monsoon each year, comparing it with the previous year’s data.

In the year 2022-23, an increase in groundwater levels was observed in 4 talukas and 74 gram panchayats. The previous year had seen below-average rainfall in the project area, but the current season has seen favourable rainfall.

Additionally, the water conservation and groundwater recharge measures under the scheme are expected to contribute positively to the increase in groundwater levels.

According to the 2024 Groundwater Evaluation Report, there has been a positive change in the groundwater extraction percentage in 37 out of the 43 talukas and 71 out of the 73 watershed areas included in the scheme. Additionally, there has been a positive change in the groundwater evaluation classification in 11 out of the 43 talukas and 25 out of the 73 watershed areas.

     1.  Memorandum of Understanding with ICRISAT Hyderabad:

Innovative measures proposed in the Water Security Plans will be implemented through a pioneering project that will create a model for sustainable agriculture, focusing on groundwater management and dryland farming. This project will be implemented in 7 villages across the districts of Nagpur, Buldhana, Pune, Solapur, Nashik, Latur, and Jalna in collaboration with ICRISAT Hyderabad. A total of ₹22.02 crore will be spent from the incentive funds for this initiative.

    2. Bhujal Samrudh Gram Spardha:

Under the Atal Groundwater Scheme, a competition called the ” Bhujal Samrudh Gram Spardha” has been organized to recognize and award villages with outstanding participation and efforts. A government resolution was issued on 09/03/2023 (Resolution No. Bhujal-1822/Pr.Kr.245/Papu-15) for this purpose. In this competition, three villages with exceptional performance will be awarded, and the prizes will be provided from the incentive funds allocated to them. Additionally, officers, staff, and district implementation partner institutions (DIP) with notable contributions will also receive awards.

The competition aims to promote community participation in groundwater management, the preparation of water security plans, and the implementation of activities included within them. It also emphasizes the convergence of state and central government schemes at the village level for creating a robust environment. The competition has been organized for the years 2022-23 and 2023-24.

Format of Award:


District level

State level

Prize Amount (Rs.)



50 L

1 Cr



30 L

50 Cr



20 L

30 Cr

In the year 2022-23, 270 Gram Panchayats from 12 districts of Maharashtra, including Pune, Satara, Sangli, Solapur, Nashik, Jalgaon, Jalna, Latur, Dharashiv, Buldhana, Amravati, and Nagpur, participated in the Groundwater Rich Village competition. Of these, 36 Gram Panchayats were recognized as winners in the competition. The awards were presented by the Hon. Minister of Water Supply Government of Maharashtra. The funds for the state and district-level awards for these Gram Panchayats were paid from the incentive funds under the Atal Groundwater Scheme.

The winners include:

  • Karahati, Taluka: Baramati, District: Pune (First place)
  • Jrudd, Taluka: Warud, District: Amravati (Second place)
  • Kirkasale, Taluka: Khatav, District: Satara (Honoured at the state level)

The funds received by these Gram Panchayats will be utilized for implementing the measures proposed in the Water Security Plan.

For 2023-24, 474 Gram Panchayats from 13 districts, including Pune, Satara, Sangli, Solapur, Nashik, Ahmednagar, Jalgaon, Jalna, Latur, Dharashiv, Buldhana, Amravati, and Nagpur, have participated in the competition. The evaluation of these participating Gram Panchayats is currently in progress.

Winners of 12 Districts of 36 Gram Panchayats Hon. Republic Day Honors at the hands of Guardian Ministers
Distribution of prizes to the winners of the Bhujal Samrudh Gram Spardha held on 09/09/2024 for the year 2022-23 Hon. Honored by Hon. Minister of Water Supply Government of Maharashtra.
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